Heaven - Truth Or Myth
What is Heaven? Heaven is usually seen as a place in which God dwells and is pain-free and joyous. Most concepts of Heaven give us the freedom to do what we desire within the boundaries and rules of Heaven. When we step outside those boundaries and rules, we enter Hell. Heaven is a concept with a variety of meaning. Most see it as some realm of Creation where one lives in bliss and joy, free from the cares, worries and pain of Physical Creation. Many see it as a reward for living a good life as opposed to Hell, a reward for living a bad life. Of course, there is the question of what really constitutes a good life such that one can get into heaven and what is really a bad life such that one ends up in Hell. Most religious traditions have their views as to what is good and what is bad and what one needs to do to access and be assured of Heaven. The typical dictionary definition of Heaven is in theology it is the residence of God and his angles, where virtuous souls receive e...