Astrological Remedies for Removing Depression, Stress, & Anxiety

Astrological Remedies for Removing Depression, Stress, & Anxiety Astrological Remedies for Mental Tension is an effective way to attain the goal which means eliminating stress, depression, anxiety from the body, soul, and mind. Jeevangyan with his years of experience, hard work, and dedication brought the perfect remedies of astrology for relieving mental illness and for gaining anxious and tensed free life. We have listed some of the major remedies for mental peace. Drink Water in Silver Glass Drinking water in silver glass makes a person calm and relaxed. Also, it is effective for making the moon strong because it is the color of the moon. So, start drinking water in 2-3 liters in the silver glass every day. Silver is very good for peace in life that is why a number of people wear silver. Drinking water in the silver glass is one of the Best Astrological Remedies for Mental Peace and proven to be quite effective as well. Wear Pearl or Moon Stone: Wearing a gem...