
Showing posts from January, 2023

Mangal Dosh and Remedies to Fix Mangal Dosh

                                              Mangal Dosh And Remedies Mangal dosh, also known as "Kuja dosha" or "Chovva dosham," is a condition in which the planet Mars is positioned in certain houses in one's birth chart. It is believed to cause problems in one's marriage and married life. However, astrology is a complex field and it's always best to consult with a professional astrologer for personalized advice. There are some general remedies that are believed to help alleviate the effects of Mangal dosh. Some of the common ones include: Worshipping Lord Hanuman: He is considered to be an embodiment of strength and power, and his blessings are believed to help overcome the negative effects of Mangal dosh. Donating red items: Mars is associated with the color red, so donating red items such as clothes, lentils, or apples is believed to appease the planet and reduce the effects of Mangal dosh. Reciting the Mangal Stotra: This is a hymn in praise of Lo