Shani Dev Story and Sade Sati upaays


The Birth of Lord Shani and His Importance in Our Lives

In our everyday lives, Lord Shani holds significant influence, particularly due to his power and mercy. In astrology, Shani is the seventh among the nine planets that govern life, often viewed as unlucky. According to the science of astronomy ('Kaagol Shastra'), Shani is about 90 million miles away from Earth, with a radius of 1.08 billion kilometers. Its gravitational pull is 95 times stronger than Earth's. Shani takes approximately 19 years to complete one orbit around the Sun. Astronomers describe Shani's appearance as striking, with vibrant and captivating colors. It also has 22 moons orbiting within its rings.

Due to Shani's immense gravitational strength, our thoughts and actions—good or bad—are said to be influenced by this planet. In astrology, Shani’s negative influence is seen as misfortune. However, those who perform good deeds will receive positive outcomes. Therefore, it’s important to regard Shani as a guide, rather than a foe. His role can either bring reward or hardship, depending on one's actions, where bad deeds invite "Sade Saati," a period of struggle and misfortune.


The Birth of Shani

There are several stories regarding Shani's birth, but the most widely accepted one is from the ancient text, the ‘Skanda Purana’ (Kasi Khanda).

According to this tale, the sun god, Surya, was married to Sadnya, daughter of Daksha. Sadnya, overwhelmed by Surya’s intense radiance, was unable to bear the heat. She believed that by performing penance, she could increase her own brilliance or diminish Surya's. Despite being a devoted wife, she struggled with her husband’s radiance. The couple had three children: Vaivasvata Manu, Yama (the god of death), and Yamuna. Though Sadnya loved her children deeply, she decided to leave her home to escape the overpowering brightness of Surya and dedicate herself to penance.

Before departing, Sadnya created a shadow version of herself named Chhaya (which means shadow) to take her place and care for her children. She instructed Chhaya to assume her role as a mother, cautioning her to never reveal the truth. Sadnya then left for her father’s house, but her father urged her to return to her husband, warning that leaving without informing Surya could result in a curse. Fearing exposure, Sadnya retreated to the jungles of Uttar Kurukshetra, where she transformed into a mare to remain unrecognized and continued her penance.

During this time, Surya and Chhaya had three children together: Manu, Shani, and a daughter named Tapti. Surya remained unaware that Chhaya was not his real wife.

The Influence of Penance

Another version of Shani’s creation is linked to a great ‘yagna’ performed by Maharishi Kashyap. While Shani was in Chhaya’s womb, she devoted herself to intense worship of Lord Shiva, neglecting even her basic needs. This deep penance under the scorching sun had a profound effect on her unborn child, resulting in Shani’s dark complexion.

When Shani was born, Surya doubted that the dark-skinned child was his own and accused Chhaya of infidelity. In response to this insult, Shani, already blessed with his mother’s powers, cast a harsh gaze on his father, which charred Surya’s body black and caused his chariot to halt.

Worried, Surya sought help from Lord Shiva, who explained that Surya’s accusations had wronged both Chhaya and Shani. Accepting his mistake, Surya apologized and regained his radiant form, as well as the power of his chariot. From that day on, Shani remained a devoted son to his parents and a faithful follower of Lord Shiva,

What is Shani Sade Sati?

Shani Sade Sati, also known by other names such as Shanichari, Musibathi, and Aafath, refers to a period in astrology that is closely studied and understood through the lens of Vedic astrology and its branches. In astrology, the study of planets and their impact on our lives plays a crucial role. Planet Shani (Saturn), often referred to as the planet of sorrow, is especially significant in shaping the ups and downs in one’s life, particularly through a period called "Sade Sati."

The Nature of Shani Sade Sati

Sade Sati lasts for 7 and a half years. It occurs when Saturn transits through three zodiac signs: the sign before the natal moon, the sign of the natal moon, and the sign after the natal moon. Since Saturn takes 30 years to orbit the Sun and spends about 2.5 years in each sign, this 7.5-year cycle is referred to as Sade Sati. During this time, individuals may experience difficulties such as financial loss, illness, stress, or failure in their endeavors.

Shani's presence in astrology is often feared because of its association with hardship and misfortune, but Shani also rewards hard work and perseverance. Therefore, it's essential to view Shani as a teacher who helps one learn from their past actions.

Historical Significance of Sade Sati

Even great kings like Raja Harishchandra experienced the challenges of Sade Sati. However, they never strayed from the path of truth. Harishchandra endured extreme hardships but held onto his integrity, and eventually, Shani blessed him with restoration of his throne, wealth, and family. His story shows that despite the trials of Sade Sati, persistence and righteousness will eventually bring success.

Remedies for Sade Sati

While Sade Sati can be a challenging period, its effects can be lessened through prayers, penance, and the recitation of specific mantras. One such mantra is the Shani Dev Maha Mantra:

"Om nilanjana samabhasam | Ravi putram yamagrajam ||
Chhaya martanda sambhutam | Tama namami Shanescharam||"

Those affected by Sade Sati should recite this mantra 23,000 times within the 7.5 years. Ideally, the recitation should be completed within 23 days, by chanting the mantra 10 times using a rosary (mala) each day. This practice helps ease the adverse effects of Shani’s influence.If the person is young, then his parents can do it for him. While this praying is on, the person should eat simple food. He must sleep on the floor on a bed sheet and live the life of a ‘bramhachari’. It should be remembered that the praying of the Shani Mahamantra should be done at one stretch in one sitting at one place. Whoever wants to perform the ‘shanti’, must perform it on all Shanichari Amavahshya’. On a half meter of black cloth, taking the ‘pandraya yantra’, the ‘sindoor’ of God Hanuman and oil should be mixed and the ‘yantra’ should be created. After tying a coconut without water in it, by tracing the body’s length with it seven times, it should be consigned to flowing water.

Additionally, during this period, it's important to live a simple and disciplined life. Avoiding dishonesty, theft, and bad habits, while embracing prayer and truth, can help mitigate the hardships of Sade Sati.

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